Friday, May 14, 2010

Arizona Illegal Immigration Law?

Politically speaking there is of course a need of getting rid of these illegal immigrants in order to maintain our economy and many other issues. All of these illegal immigrants here in United States do have their jobs and they are paid in cash. People do this in order to feed their families or to survive, and due to this the tax that could have been collected otherwise from the legal ones are hidden. This definitely disturbs the economy somehow. Had I been the President of United States, I would have definitely thought about bringing this hidden money back to the government. And this is what I believe they have done to give it a head start. But, is it the right way to do it? No, I don't think so; there could be several other ways to do it.
I totally agree with Curious's idea about the law passed in Arizona, "ridiculous immigration law" is what she says. The first page of the bill states that, "no police officer can use race, ethnic origin, color or country of origin as a basis to form reasonable suspicion". But, this violets the Constitution somehow as no officer would go and ID black, white or Asian as Curious mentioned. I strongly agree with her point here. Mexico being close to Arizona, they would only suspect "brown skin" all the time. So isn't that enough to violate the Constitution? Being an immigrant me myself know how it feels to be racially discriminated. However, all of those illegal immigrants living in Arizona right now would move to some other state, I think, due to the fear of getting deported which indeed would still not solve this immigration problem in Arizona. It is not only the issue of discrimination, but also violets the right to privacy. Therefore, in my opinion the lawmakers should come up with better, practical and unbiased ideas that would not violet our liberty and Constitution.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Is US Government Responsible for Gulf Oil Spill?

On April 20, 2010, an explosion occurred on the Deep Water Horizon rig and caught fire in the Gulf of Mexico. Eleven people were missing after the incident. Seven workers were airlifted to the Naval air station in New Orleans and were then taken to the hospital. An estimated of 2 million to 9 million gallons of crude oil has been spilled into the Gulf of Mexico. This spill has caused a significant impact on various aspect of the environment including wildlife and the individuals living around the Gulf coast. The Island Ann usually pulls out shrimp during this time of year. However, due to this explosion, the Island Ann and 700 other local fishing boats are being used to clean the oil spill instead of being used for their business purposes. Fishing industry around this area has been largely impacted by this disaster resulting in the local economic downfall. Not only the financial sector, but also the environment has been significantly disrupted from this catastrophe. There has been reports of turtles and other endangered species being recovered with their bodies covered in oil. If the spill is not stopped fast enough, we might be in the verge of losing these precious marine lives. Government and environmentalists have blamed the oil-well owner BP for letting this occur by not putting a spill-proof system on their rigs. In my opinion, the US government is also somewhat responsible for not conducting regular inspections and safety precautions used by the oil companies. Even though the government along with the owner BP is trying to contain the spill and clean-up the oily mess, the effort had not been taken seriously in the early stages of spill. It has now become a social issue that has forced the government including the president to divert huge amount of resources in managing this problem. However, this issue should not be overlooked and serious measures to control this problem would be necessary in order to gain social, environmental and economic stability.

Friday, April 23, 2010

US Government

Every government of the nation has its responsibility towards its citizen. They do their best to give what we as a citizen really need. It is because of them, we are known as one of the world power. My friend, Eb mentions about social securiy, military and old age benefits that we get, is something that no other nation provides it to their citizens. Only few countries around the world that are well-developed has benefits like we do. We should be thankful to our present government as well as our past government for taking care of us. I beleive that it is neccessary for us to return this favor by being involed and taking interest in our goverenment like Eb said. Current health care reform and the nucler treaties signed with Russia is an example of our current government's effort to please their citizens. This link below shows all the benefits and grants that United States provides to citizens for their welfare.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Ignorance That Lead to The Death of 25 Innocent Lives

As The Washington Post reported on Wednesday, April 7, 2010, the West Virginia mine where at least 25 workers died Monday in an explosion was written up more than 50 times last month for safety violations. Poor ventilation, high accumulation of combustible materials and inadequate protections from roof falls were the most oft-cited violations. The massive explosion that claimed 25 lives in West Virginia mine is believed to have been caused mainly by a build-up of methane gas.
This is a serious act of negligence that cost the innocent miners their lives. Had Mr. Blankenship not withheld those violations, and got the problems fixed, there would not have been such accident. Of course, "It's a profession that's not without risks and danger, and the workers and their families know that," says President Obama, "But their government and their employers know that they owe it to these families to do everything possible to ensure their safety when they go to work each day." Furthermore, this is an extreme case of intentional negligence, possibly criminal negligence, and I do not see any reason why the owner of this coal mine, Don Blankenship, should not be charged with 25 cases of involuntary manslaughter, or even be prosecuted for homicide. Coal can be produced economically and safely using industry and government standards. Then why get a drop of blood with every ounce of coal? Henceforth, to assure that such "inevitable" hazards and extreme recklessness of big people do not cost innocent workers their lives anymore, a good place to start would be to ensure that the regulations on the books are vigorously enforced. It is our duty and responsibility to make sure that the owners of such huge companies are not making anymore bloody money.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Administration's New Push

Susie Madrak in her blog posted in CROOKSANDLIAR argues saying how these dynamic tactics by the liberal economists would have saved lots of trouble and sufferings if we had done it sooner. However, the Obama's administration is now on full swing to tackle the foreclosure crisis by "requiring lenders to temporarily slash or eliminate monthly mortgage payments for many borrowers who are unemployed" as said by senior officials. The lenders and the bank would have to cutback the payments to no more than 31 percent of the borrowers income, which I thought was a nice idea, which would normally be the total of unemployment insurance, for three to six months. The administration's new push would also help "country's economic downturn" as well as the borrowers without a job. This new push would help borrowers who owe more on their mortgage than what their property is worth. The author has used "The Washington Post" as her source for her blog, which is a reliable source. She has precisely summarized the article from the newspaper and made it short and easy to understand. The youth of our nation who has a little interest over politics and government would rather prefer reading a blog which is short and knowledgeable than going through the lengthy newspaper articles. This would definitely give them some knowledge over the topic, save time as well as be aware of the topic. I would think that the target audience in this case is the youngsters who are unaware of our system. Her interest in political issues and her number of articles on the web blog of Crooks and Liar makes her a reliable source and the one that we can trust.

Friday, February 26, 2010

The Price Paid for Modernity?

    "Toyota is still the worlds premier automobile maker", says Haley Barbour, the Republican Governor of Mississippi. I, principally, disagree with him. The government has been taking strict measures to keep its citizens out of trouble, however possible. It might be easy for the company to simply admit that even the highest technology produced by the world's finest companies can be fallible and fatal and that the intelligent response is not rage and retribution but sober remediation and recognition. But what price is going to cover up for those who have unwillingly lost their family members, their loved ones for the very high price they pay, willingly pay, for modernity with all its wondrous, dangerous bounty. We as consumers are more inclined towards what sells best, in other words, the best-selling. And it is certainly true that cars have gotten very complex, and cannot be worked on easily, by non-mechanics. All of these claims would have been considerable only if Toyota had not paid deaf ears to complaints from various insurance companies and its costumers about the failing grade of their products. What took them so long to deal with it? The author mentions about “one” death, but has he not realized that even “one” death is a loss to the person’s family! Toyota had seen the smoke emerging, but were they waiting for the fire to destroy the lives of Americans? I believe that the government is doing the very right thing by trying to investigate further into the matter to ensure all Americans safety and security, and moreover the best value for the price they pay. Nevertheless, a person’s life is more important, not profit!

Friday, February 12, 2010

"Life is taking new a direction"

Patrick J. Kennedy, son of U.S Senator Edward M. Kennedy, decided not to be re-elected in the following election, as stated by the Fox News. He said, "Life is taking a new direction". Nephew of President John F. Kennedy, Patrick J. Kennedy, had been elected to the Congress in 1994 at the age of 27. He was then the youngest member of the House. Thus, the Kennedys have been serving as members of Congress since 1962. Furthermore, Patrick J. Kennedy supported approach to education, equality for mental health coverage, gun control, and championed many more liberal causes while his term in Congress. Also, it is interesting to know that three other members of the House namely, Vern Ehlers, Diane Watson and Lincoln Diaz-Balart announced their retirement the same week as Patrick J. Kennedy.