Friday, March 26, 2010

Administration's New Push

Susie Madrak in her blog posted in CROOKSANDLIAR argues saying how these dynamic tactics by the liberal economists would have saved lots of trouble and sufferings if we had done it sooner. However, the Obama's administration is now on full swing to tackle the foreclosure crisis by "requiring lenders to temporarily slash or eliminate monthly mortgage payments for many borrowers who are unemployed" as said by senior officials. The lenders and the bank would have to cutback the payments to no more than 31 percent of the borrowers income, which I thought was a nice idea, which would normally be the total of unemployment insurance, for three to six months. The administration's new push would also help "country's economic downturn" as well as the borrowers without a job. This new push would help borrowers who owe more on their mortgage than what their property is worth. The author has used "The Washington Post" as her source for her blog, which is a reliable source. She has precisely summarized the article from the newspaper and made it short and easy to understand. The youth of our nation who has a little interest over politics and government would rather prefer reading a blog which is short and knowledgeable than going through the lengthy newspaper articles. This would definitely give them some knowledge over the topic, save time as well as be aware of the topic. I would think that the target audience in this case is the youngsters who are unaware of our system. Her interest in political issues and her number of articles on the web blog of Crooks and Liar makes her a reliable source and the one that we can trust.

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