Friday, April 23, 2010

US Government

Every government of the nation has its responsibility towards its citizen. They do their best to give what we as a citizen really need. It is because of them, we are known as one of the world power. My friend, Eb mentions about social securiy, military and old age benefits that we get, is something that no other nation provides it to their citizens. Only few countries around the world that are well-developed has benefits like we do. We should be thankful to our present government as well as our past government for taking care of us. I beleive that it is neccessary for us to return this favor by being involed and taking interest in our goverenment like Eb said. Current health care reform and the nucler treaties signed with Russia is an example of our current government's effort to please their citizens. This link below shows all the benefits and grants that United States provides to citizens for their welfare.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Ignorance That Lead to The Death of 25 Innocent Lives

As The Washington Post reported on Wednesday, April 7, 2010, the West Virginia mine where at least 25 workers died Monday in an explosion was written up more than 50 times last month for safety violations. Poor ventilation, high accumulation of combustible materials and inadequate protections from roof falls were the most oft-cited violations. The massive explosion that claimed 25 lives in West Virginia mine is believed to have been caused mainly by a build-up of methane gas.
This is a serious act of negligence that cost the innocent miners their lives. Had Mr. Blankenship not withheld those violations, and got the problems fixed, there would not have been such accident. Of course, "It's a profession that's not without risks and danger, and the workers and their families know that," says President Obama, "But their government and their employers know that they owe it to these families to do everything possible to ensure their safety when they go to work each day." Furthermore, this is an extreme case of intentional negligence, possibly criminal negligence, and I do not see any reason why the owner of this coal mine, Don Blankenship, should not be charged with 25 cases of involuntary manslaughter, or even be prosecuted for homicide. Coal can be produced economically and safely using industry and government standards. Then why get a drop of blood with every ounce of coal? Henceforth, to assure that such "inevitable" hazards and extreme recklessness of big people do not cost innocent workers their lives anymore, a good place to start would be to ensure that the regulations on the books are vigorously enforced. It is our duty and responsibility to make sure that the owners of such huge companies are not making anymore bloody money.