Friday, February 26, 2010

The Price Paid for Modernity?

    "Toyota is still the worlds premier automobile maker", says Haley Barbour, the Republican Governor of Mississippi. I, principally, disagree with him. The government has been taking strict measures to keep its citizens out of trouble, however possible. It might be easy for the company to simply admit that even the highest technology produced by the world's finest companies can be fallible and fatal and that the intelligent response is not rage and retribution but sober remediation and recognition. But what price is going to cover up for those who have unwillingly lost their family members, their loved ones for the very high price they pay, willingly pay, for modernity with all its wondrous, dangerous bounty. We as consumers are more inclined towards what sells best, in other words, the best-selling. And it is certainly true that cars have gotten very complex, and cannot be worked on easily, by non-mechanics. All of these claims would have been considerable only if Toyota had not paid deaf ears to complaints from various insurance companies and its costumers about the failing grade of their products. What took them so long to deal with it? The author mentions about “one” death, but has he not realized that even “one” death is a loss to the person’s family! Toyota had seen the smoke emerging, but were they waiting for the fire to destroy the lives of Americans? I believe that the government is doing the very right thing by trying to investigate further into the matter to ensure all Americans safety and security, and moreover the best value for the price they pay. Nevertheless, a person’s life is more important, not profit!

Friday, February 12, 2010

"Life is taking new a direction"

Patrick J. Kennedy, son of U.S Senator Edward M. Kennedy, decided not to be re-elected in the following election, as stated by the Fox News. He said, "Life is taking a new direction". Nephew of President John F. Kennedy, Patrick J. Kennedy, had been elected to the Congress in 1994 at the age of 27. He was then the youngest member of the House. Thus, the Kennedys have been serving as members of Congress since 1962. Furthermore, Patrick J. Kennedy supported approach to education, equality for mental health coverage, gun control, and championed many more liberal causes while his term in Congress. Also, it is interesting to know that three other members of the House namely, Vern Ehlers, Diane Watson and Lincoln Diaz-Balart announced their retirement the same week as Patrick J. Kennedy.